This Ramadan, Bring Back Energy & Positivity To Your Duas

Without Losing Steam, Feeling the Slump,
or Getting Overwhelmed In This Month of Dua


FEB 17 - FEB 21, 2025


Imagine for a Moment...

You’re on an open field… nobody there but you. 

Its beauty extends as far as the eye can see. 

Allah calls you by name and says, 

"Ask Me anything...anything at all.

Don’t worry about how it’ll happen, 
when it’ll happen, 
or if you’re deserving of it."

Just ask - no filter, no limit, no judgement.

What will you ask?

Your Life is as Extraordinary as the Duas You Make

Many of us arrive in Ramadan battered and bruised, already too tired, too busy, too distracted from this Dunya's tests...

...unable to pause and breathe just long enough to figure out:

  • How do I best reap the benefits of Ramadan without getting overwhelmed?
  • ​How can I use this month to heal and come out the other side better than I ever was?
  • How do I refresh my approach without recycling same ol' strategies I couldn't keep up with before?
  • How do I use this month to change the trajectory of my life altogether?
  • ​And how can I use the power within my hands to help lift myself and my loved ones higher than ever before?

Look, come as you are

We are imperfect beings weighed down by our past, ashamed by our sins, slowed down by our obligations...

So, as you come into this challenge, leave all your fears and inhibitions at the door... 

Come to Allah as your most vulnerable self - with all your pains, your desires, and your ambitions - even the kind that would make others laugh at you.

Because in this 5-Day Challenge, you will... 

Clear the past and start Ramadan with hope, imagination and a dare to dream...

...Because Who Stands Before A King
And Asks For a Penny?

In this 5-Day Challenge, start with going inwards to remove your masks, your blocks - whatever it is stopping you from making the best Dua you ever the KING of kings. 

Once you've removed all your baggage, and dug deep enough, you'll get to the crux of "who you are"- your true self inside

That's when you discover what you truly want in life and what you want to ask Allah in the greatest time of the year - the greatest night of your life - Laylat ul-Qadr (The Night of Power).

Look, Olympians take 4 years to prepare for their biggest moment. The Sahaba took 6 months to prepare for Ramadan....

And it’s not too late for you to take only 5 days to RAISE YOUR DUA.

Because after this challenge, you'll be able to:

  • Get excited to stand in Taraweeh and lengthen your Sujud, pulled by new extraordinary Duas that'll elevate your life
  • Shut out every whisper that said you weren't good enough, too sinful, or too selfish to ask Allah
  • Focus on the 80/20 of Ramadan without feeling guilty or anxious about not doing enough
  • Walk this life trusting in Allah's plan with the security He's taking care of you, will provide, and will open doors from places you can't imagine
  • Spread this newfound Dua power and energy with family and community like a ripple effect of goodness and barakah

You will no longer feel like life is happening TO you...

...or what happens next is out of your hands.

From this point forward, you will finally believe with unwavering certainty...

...that with the Power of Dua, you can make life happen FOR you.

00 Years 00 Months 00 Weeks 00 Days 00 Hours 00 Minutes 00 Seconds
00 Years 00 Months 00 Weeks 00 Days 00 Hours 00 Minutes 00 Seconds

Welcome Peace & Serenity Back Into Your Life

The Prophet ﷺ said that if kings knew about the peace and happiness Islam provides, they will fight you for it. 

So if we aren't experiencing that level of tranquility, something's missing in how we approach Dua, Salah, and Ramadan.

Whatever it is, 2025 is the year we change that.

No matter the pain you're in or the fear you have, you will rescue your inner self and retrieve hope, energy, and passion for the next chapter in your life.


Day 1

Delusional Duas: Why Your 'Realistic' Thinking Could Be Blocking Miracles In Your Wealth, Health, & Family

Exclusive Footage

with Shaykh Muhammad Alshareef (rA)

Your mind whispers "be practical" every time you raise your hands in Dua.

"That business idea is too risky."
"That family reconciliation is impossible."
"That health transformation is unrealistic."

Look, you're asking The One who made a staff into a snake, who turned fire into a garden, who fed an army from a single plate.

What if your "practical" thinking is the only wall between you and your next miracle?

Miracle aren't always something that defies the laws of physics.

It's when Allah makes something possible which you thought impossible.

Day 2

Spiritual Overwhelm & Ramadan Burnout: Finding Your Ibadah Rhythm Despite A Non-Stop Routine

with Ustadha Razia Hamidi

There's too much to do: meals to cook, deadlines to meet, children to care for. And now Ramadan approaches, bringing more opportunities you want to fulfill.

Your heart yearns for deep connection with Allah, but your schedule screams "impossible."

What if there was a way to find your unique ibadah rhythm - one that works with your life instead of against it? Because your spiritual journey shouldn't feel like a battle with your daily reality.

Day 3

Lost & Empty Despite Having Everything? How Allah's Names Cures The Deepest Void

with Shaykh Ammar AlShukry

The promotion came through. The house got bigger. The relationships flourished. Yet that hollow feeling persists - a void that no achievement seems to fill.

This emptiness isn't a sign you're ungrateful. It's an invitation to discover what your soul truly craves. Through Allah's Beautiful Names, uncover the kind of fulfillment that no worldly success can touch.

Day 4

Understanding Laylat ul-Qadr: How To Change Your Destiny & Design Your Life With The Pen of Dua

Exclusive Footage

with Shaykh Muhammad Alshareef (rA)

On this night, every Dua is a stroke of destiny's pen. Every ounce of hope shapes tomorrow's reality. Ask yourself: Are you truly ready to write bold chapters, or are you still editing from a place of fear?

Know how to craft Duas that don't just request changes - they rewrite destinies. Because on Laylat ul-Qadr, you're not just making Dua - you're designing your future with the permission of The One who controls all destiny.

Day 5

Living In The School of Shukr & Taqwa: The Fastest Way Out of Pain-Based Duas

with Ustadha Taimiyyah Zubair

When pain hits, our Duas become survival mode: "Ya Allah, just make it stop..." . Your hardship isn't just a test - it's an invitation to become better and stronger than before.

Through Shukr and Taqwa, know how to elevate your Duas from desperate pleas to heartfelt conversations with Allah. Because sometimes, the fastest way out of darkness is to find the light it was meant to guide you to.

Do You Know What Makes Your Life Beautiful?

with Shaykh Omar Suleiman

Exclusive Bonus Footage

Experience a spiritual conversation with Shaykh Omar as he shares a rare personal take on Duas and remembrance in the month of Ramadan. 

Allah alone knows what makes your life beautiful, even if you don’t see it.

Listen, He already has everything under control. The big question is: Are you ready to trust Him (swt)?

More Than a Cry In The Middle of the Night

with Shaykh Yasir Qadhi

Exclusive Bonus Footage

Ramadan is a reminder that turning to Allah in an act of worship is our sole purpose. And Dua isn’t just a cry for help…

It’s a worship, a heartfelt conversation, an emotional journey, a vivid dream, and most importantly…

It’s the language of the heart.

Preparatory Session

Untold Stories Behind The Duas: How My Friendship with Shaykh Muhammad Alshareef (ra) Changed How I Make Dua

with Shaykh Yahya Ibrahim

Shaykh Muhammad Alshareef (rA) completely flipped how we always think about Dua.

Most of us get caught up trying to say the "right" words or make the "perfect" Dua. 

But he showed us something beautiful - we don't need to change our Duas, because Duas are what change us.

In this session, I'll share the untold stories of how my relationship with my dearest friend Shaykh Muhammad Alshareef (rA) taught me about letting my Duas, exactly as they were, become the bridge to a deeper connection with Allah. 

No fancy words needed, no perfect phrases required. It's just you, your heart, and a willingness to let each moment of Dua transform you from the inside out.
5 Live Sessions with Ustadha Razia Hamidi, Shaykh Ammar AlShukry, and Shaykha Taimiyyah Zubair...

...with exclusive footage & interviews with
Shaykh Muhammad Alshareef (rA),  Shaykh Yasir Qadhi, & Shaykh Omar Suleiman
Join an a Worldwide Tribe of Dreamers & Action Takers, ready to support one another in raising Duas, and put in the work - no person left behind... judgement, no shame.
Because this challenge is about 
FAST ACTION and BIG PERSONAL WINS, we're cheering you along the way with the chance to win prizes for action taken.


On each of these 5 days, expect to immerse in the world of Dua...

Not only will you experience elements from DiscoverU's Visionaire Ramadan program - a $197-program, running every year in Ramadan consistently for the last 11 years...'ll also attend and engage in LIVE sessions on how to bring back hope, energy, and positivity just in time for Ramadan. 

On each day, you'll spend a full hour LIVE with Ustadha Razia Hamidi,  Shaykh Ammar AlShukry, and Shaykha Taimiyyah Zubair.

And inside the private student community, you'll also get bonus interviews and footage from the late Shaykh Muhammad Alshareef (rA), Shaykh Omar Suleiman, and Shaykh Yasir Qadhi

The best part of the experience is the supportive community where you'll make connections and form friendships with your sisters and brothers around the world. 

If you miss the lives, you can still catch the replays within the 5 days inside the Facebook community. PLUS you'll get a private student portal where you'll find surprise bonus material you can access at any time into the future. 

Now you may think how much for all of this content and exceptional experience?

Much less than you think. 

The $5-entry fee gets you inside with instant access to portal and community...


To get inside the 5-Day Challenge and Raise Your Dua in time for Ramadan, click on the button below...

Frequently Asked Questions

What is The Raise Your Dua Challenge?
In this 5-Day Challenge, start with going inwards to remove your masks, your blocks - whatever it is stopping you from making the best Dua you ever made... to the KING of kings. 

Once you've removed all your baggage, and dug deep enough, you'll get to the pearls, the gems - your true self inside. 

That's when you discover what you truly want in life and what you want to ask Allah in the greatest time of the year - the greatest night of your life - Laylat ul-Qadr (The Night of Power).
What is the date and time for The Raise Your Dua Challenge?
The challenge will take place over 5 days, Monday February 17 - Friday, February 21, 2025 at 11 AM ET on all days
Who are the speakers at The Raise Your Dua Challenge?
You'll hear from Shaykh Ammar AlShukry, Ustadah Taimiyyah Zubair, and your very own Ustadha Razia Hamidi.

You'll also get access to additional bonus sessions with Shaykh Yasir Qadhi & Shaykh Omar Suleiman.
How much does The Raise Your Dua Challenge cost?
The challenge registration fee is $5 USD. PROCEEDS WILL GO TOWARDS SPONSORING ORPHANS.
Where does The Raise Your Dua Challenge take place?
The Raise Your Dua Challenge takes place online inside an exclusive Facebook group and Zoom. Once you register, you'll receive access to the group. Don’t worry, reminders will be sent before we start.
I can't attend live, will there be replays for The Raise Your Dua Challenge?
Yes, you can purchase replays of The Raise Your Dua Challenge when you register for the challenge, this will give you permanent access to all of the sessions.
Can I register for Visionaire Ramadan 2025 during the Challenge?
Absolutely! Visionaire Ramadan 2025 will be available for you to register at the Challenge
I have some questions. Who can I speak with?
You can contact our support department: 
WhatsApp: +44 77 2871 6777
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