On each of these 5 days, expect to immerse in the world of Dua...
Not only will you experience elements from DiscoverU's Visionaire Ramadan program - a $197-program, running every year in Ramadan consistently for the last 11 years...
...you'll also attend and engage in LIVE sessions on how to bring back hope, energy, and positivity just in time for Ramadan.
On each day, you'll spend a full hour LIVE with Ustadha Razia Hamidi, Shaykh Ammar AlShukry, and Shaykha Taimiyyah Zubair.
And inside the private student community, you'll also get bonus interviews and footage from the late Shaykh Muhammad Alshareef (rA), Shaykh Omar Suleiman, and Shaykh Yasir Qadhi.
The best part of the experience is the supportive community where you'll make connections and form friendships with your sisters and brothers around the world.
If you miss the lives, you can still catch the replays within the 5 days inside the Facebook community. PLUS you'll get a private student portal where you'll find surprise bonus material you can access at any time into the future.
Now you may think how much for all of this content and exceptional experience?
Much less than you think.
The $5-entry fee gets you inside with instant access to portal and community...
To get inside the 5-Day Challenge and Raise Your Dua in time for Ramadan, click on the button below...